Nominated for
Executive council
Judy cater
Holy Cross, Carlsbad
Nominee’s Bio: I joined the Episcopal Church at age 13 and have been a member of Holy Cross, Carlsbad, since 1986. I live in Carlsbad with Jack, my husband of almost 50 years and enjoy travel, needlepoint, and reading mystery novels. Prior to retirement, I worked at Palomar College for 38 years, 34 as a librarian and four as an interim dean.
Nominee’s Statement in Favor of Their Candidacy: I currently serve on the Board of Episcopal Community Services and their Head Start Committee. Prior service on the Executive Council included filling out an unexpired term and election to a full term, working with Bishop Mathes, and Assisting Bishop Jefferts-Schori. I'm committed to the mission of the Diocese and appreciate your consideration for this position.