Nominated for
General Convention Deputation
The rEV. Janine SchenOne
Good Samaritan, San Diego
Nominee’s Bio:The Rev. Janine Schenone has been ordained for ten years and has served three Episcopal congregations, most recently as the rector of Good Samaritan for over six years. She has served on the Executive Council and its Advocacy Committee as well as the Discipleship, Evangelism, and Church Growth Committee. She also served on the Clergy Enrichment committee, the bishop search committee, and she co-chaired Bishop Susan's Strategic Plan Committee.
Nominee’s Statement in Favor of Their Candidacy: I have been very active in our diocese, co-authoring several diocesan resolutions at diocesan conventions, advocating for border ministry and Sacred Ground groups as well as evangelism initiatives. I would be honored to bring my passion for evangelism and advocacy to the wider church as one of our diocesan delegates.